Thank you, Participants for your overwhelming response and support. Submissions for Helix Books & Awards RISE Series 2022-23 are now closed!
Helix Books & Awards celebrates good design in a unique process of selection; which offers a level playing field to all participants and also acknowledges honest efforts.
All entries will be anonymously graded by an esteemed jury panel; and then assembled into the content of the book. Each book will have its own textual flow, and the projects with the top grades will be included. There will be no particular order of inclusion in the book; as images relevant to the text will appear next to it (with due credits), or projects will be displayed according to the sections of the book. Inkbound is committed to give equal footage to all selected entries.
Level 1: The Jury will assess all entries based on the eligibility and selection criteria; relevant to each book title. Based on the content structure and format of each book, the selected entries will be presented. Inkbound’s decisions on book structure, format, presentation will be final and binding on all participants – in lieu of Inkbound’s commitment to fair and unbiased processes and presentation.
Level 2: The Jury will be sifting through the TOP 50 entries selected for the Books, and assessing them based on the plans, images and info provided by the participant in the appropriate questionnaire.
Two Winners will be declared in each of the 3 Categories under each Book Title – thus making a total of 6 Awards per Book. And a total of 18 Awards across 3 Books.
TWO Nominated Categories from HELIX BOOKS & AWARDS include – Helix Rising Star and Helix Superpower.
Entries to these categories will be handpicked by the Jury from the entries received for the Book Titles.
TWO Winners will be declared in each of these categories.
The third NOMINATED CATEGORY AWARD is offered by our Media Partner TFOD – The Future Of Design – Two winners will be chosen based on criteria of number of images, authentic and verified info provided in profile, frequency of uploading images, and quality of work displayed.
TFOD Supernova is an independent award; chosen from the TFOD database and having no relation with the designer’s participation in the Helix Books & Awards RISE Series. Only authentic/verified TFOD Profiles will be considered for the awards. TFOD profiles displaying images with watermarks will be disqualified; regardless of other criteria.
Why participate in Helix Books & Awards? Because it is the first ever initiative of its kind! It offers assured publicity to ALL PARTICIPANTS
Also, the unique process of assessment ensures that every participant gets a fair chance to be published in a Book + win an Award!
All Winners will receive Certificates of Merit; besides a dedicated Feature on TFOD + Extensive Social Media Promotions of the Feature!
That is a brief summary of Helix Books & Awards by Inkbound Publishing Studio. We promise to be consistent, fair and transparent in evaluating all Submitted Projects – and set new benchmarks for all future design competitions.
So, come on – let’s get rolling! Register NOW !!